Alert :-
1. This is used to display message to the user to confirm any action.
2. use show_alert to show the alert at run time.
3. the above function returns the following values (number()
88 alert_button1
89 alert_button2
90 alert_button3
4. u can change the following attribute of an alert at run time
(title,message,label of button)
Steps for creating a alert.
1. create an alert in object navigator through + command
2. make changed in the property of alert as per requirement.
3. now show the alert at run time using show_alert.
Code for ‘Key-delrec’ trigger at form level ( name of alert is alert_confirm)
Alt_ret_val numbers;
Set_alert_property ( ‘alert_confirm’, TITLE,’Confirming Delete Action’);
Set_alert_property ( ‘alert_confirm’,Alert_message_text,’Sure to delete this record ?? ‘);
Set_alert_button_property(‘alert_confirm’,alert_button,label,’plz delete’);
Alert_ret_val := show_alert(‘alert_confirm’);
If alert_ret_val := alert_button1 then delete_record;
Message(‘you cance the operation’);
End if;
Note :-
Max you can have 3 button and min you can have 1 button in an alert.
You can not change no of button at run time.
Code for delte record button is
It will make a call to key dec-rec
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